MNDOT Installs Traffic Management System Near Mesaba + Lake Avenues
A new traffic management system will cause some short-term shoulder and lane closures along I-35 north and south-bound - in the downtown area - between May 3 and June 12. Officials with the Minnesota Department of Transportation are alerting drivers to be aware of the various closures that will be in place on I-35 between Lake Avenue and 4th Avenue East and Highway 194 (Mesaba Avenue) - just south of 1st Street. MNDOT expects that the work will happen weekdays - during daylight hours - between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
Installation of the traffic management system will entail the placement of fiber optic cable and placement of camera poles. This system will allow the Minnesota Department of Transportation to provide "real-time" traffic information to drivers and visitors of their website, along with a variety of other data. Traffic Management Systems allow the Minnesota State Patrol, the Minnesota Department of Transportation maintenance, and the Minnesota Department of Transportatoin Freeway Operations departments to work together to quickly detect, respond to, and remove incidents off of the highway system.
In addition to replacing the old system, this current project will allow the connection of new camera locations and provide increased coverage throughout the I-35 corridor through downtown Duluth.
Summer is a busy season for road construction crews. The Minnesota Department of Transportation reminds driver slow down in work zones and use extreme caution. Be alert and watch for changing conditions.

For details about this particular road construction project or any of the work coordinated by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, click here to visit their online project portal.
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