Northland Couple Heading out on 2000 Mile Journey on Bikes to Help Save the Boundary Waters
Dave and Amy Freeman are one ambitious couple as they have begun their 2,000 mile trek on bikes to spread the word about preserving the Boundary Waters. They left Ely on Friday and made a stop on Sunday at Bent Paddle Brewing Company to spread the word.
The basis of there tour is to discuss the proposed mining near the Boundary Waters and the environmental and economic impact that it could have on the area. Dave Freeman went on to say that he and Amy feel very strongly about protecting this sacred place.
The Freemans spent 366 days in the Boundary Waters and are hoping the Trek to Washington D.C. with many stops along the way will bring awareness to the Boundary Waters and other public lands all over the U.S. The Freemans are also towing a canoe to represent the Boundary Waters for people to sign to show their support. Fore more information on this story CLICK HERE