Pine County Sheriff’s Office Warns Of Mail Theft This Tax Season
With so much going on in the world right now, a lot of things have taken a backseat, including the fact that it is tax season.
With tax season, sadly, comes scammers and thieves trying to cash in and take advantage of extra cash floating around.
The Pine County Sheriff's Office issued a statement about it on their Facebook page, warning residents that they have received reports of this very thing happening, writing:
We have had a few reports recently of suspicious vehicles at mailboxes. With tax time upon us, there are those who are going to be looking for your tax refund checks in your mailboxes. They may also be looking for checks you are mailing out in order to steal your account information. You may want to consider having direct deposit if possible for those refund checks. We also suggest dropping your outgoing mail in the large blue drop boxes at the post office. Putting up those "red flags" on your home mailbox is a red flag for those who will steal your mail.
It is sad that we have to worry about these things with everything going on but it does serve as a great reminder. Be extra cautious and save yourself time and a hassle later.

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