Potential Buyers In Central High School Property Has Begun Again
When they closed down Central High School and consolidated to two High Schools many parents and students were very upset. Seven years later this 77 acre site with breathtaking views of Lake Superior has sat empty. Now I am not a realtor but that has to be pretty high up on the list of prime real estate in the city.
According to The Duluth News Tribune the former school is currently listed at $7.9 million. Commercial broker Greg Follmer said “Right now we have had quite a bit of decent activity and we've had some good, strong national developers taking a look at the site,” he said. “I don't have anything definitive done yet, but we are getting good action and we are happy about that action.”
At one point the school was listed for sale at $13.7 million, but in 2015 the board accepted a $10 million offer from Harbor Bay Real Estate Advisors, but obviously that deal fell through because of the costs of preparing the site. This last offer seems pretty odd that it was not excepted Duluth Edison Charter Schools offered $14.2 million to open a High School but the offer was down because the school board has a policy prohibiting it from selling school buildings to schools that serve the same age range.
So now here it sits this huge building with a million dollar view, I guess If I was in a position to make things happen, I would turn the school into truly affordable housing for everyone struggling out there to find a decent place to live at a price that should reflect the size of Duluth and what the average income is.
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