Researchers Have Found Microplastics In The Boundary Waters Canoe Area
Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire found microplastics in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northern Minnesota. These microplastics particularly fibers were found in water, soil and worms collected this summer.
Biology professor Todd Wellnitz said " they found 80 pieces of microplastics in one earthworm alone. And he says microplastics in worms can impact the entire food chain." Wellnitz went on to say " most of the microplastics they’re finding are fibers that can shed from synthetic clothing and fabrics. But they also can spread by wind, rain and snow."
Even though I have been to Ely many times I have never set foot in the Boundary Waters I am not a camper and from what I have heard it is pretty rugged. But, I do know the large amount of pride that people take in keeping it as natural and pristine as they found it. This was a small sample that was taken in a very large area but It is a good wake up call for people to realize the footprint we (humans) are leaving behind and not even aware of it. For more on this story click here.