Snooki Is MTV’s New Baby Correspondent, So She Has Advice for Amber Rose + Wiz Khalifa [VIDEOS]
Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose welcomed their first baby into the world on Feb. 21. And since Snooki has a grand total of one baby herself, MTV assumed she's now 100 percent qualified to give the new parents some advice.
In fact, she's the network's first celebrity baby correspondent. So there's that.
"Wiz and Amber are going to be so surprised to find out how much they actually love their baby," Snooki shared. "Like, yeah, you're going to love your baby a lot."
But wait, there's more: “Your aroma is going to be poop always, so get used to it.”
She also helpfully reminded Amber not to drink her own breast milk because it tastes sour and smells like cheese. However, Wiz can drink it because it'll make him “sexier.”
Oh, and don't down too much vodka after giving birth. You'll black out, yo.
Snooki also shared her vision for what it might be like if she, her fiance Jionni and their son Lorenzo got together for an evening of debauchery with Wiz, Amber and their new little offspring.
"I think we would just all be hanging in on a Friday night instead of going out and partying ... Just hanging with our babies and just watching cartoons and just talking about how amazing it is to be parents."
You know, just hangin' and talkin' and smellin' like poo. In a big cloud of pot smoke. Sounds fun.
This isn't the first time Snooki has doled out parenting advice. You may recall that she also shared her thoughts with the royal family, telling Kate Middleton to stay locked in her castle to avoid the interference of the paparazzi. The only difference is now the Snook is getting paid to reveal her thoughts of obviousness.