Fans watching the Milwaukee Brewers play the St. Louis Cardinals at American Family Field were in for a surprise when a beloved 'Spongebob' character called an inning.
Baseball is back and many people are missing a day at the ballpark with a hot dog and a cold beer. Here is what Twins and Brewers fans are drinking the most.
The pink eye epidemic has spread into the Milwaukee Brewers clubhouse, so the team is invoking a new rule to stop the spread of the infection: no more high-fives. That's right, the most popular way that athletes celebrate is now banned by the team so players, coaches, and other staff members do not contract pink eye...
Ah yes, a disgruntled fan who is upset that her favorite athlete took performance enhancing drugs and lied about it. The saga continues in Milwaukee, and Brewers Fans are Hot!
When Brewers outfielder first faced allegations of using performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), fellow Wisconsin athlete Aaron Rodgers stepped to his defense on Twitter, saying Braun was an innocent victim of the media. Turns out Rodgers wasn't only wrong, but lost a costly bet in the process.
Milwaukee Wisconsin , my Hometown is famous for Beer and Brats or sausages in this case. But one famous sausage came out missing and it sent a panic through the community.