nicolas cage

Johnny Depp Almost Starred in ‘Face/Off’ Until He Realized It Wasn’t About Hockey
Johnny Depp Almost Starred in ‘Face/Off’ Until He Realized It Wasn’t About Hockey
Johnny Depp Almost Starred in ‘Face/Off’ Until He Realized It Wasn’t About Hockey
Movies are a mixture of talent, art, skill, business, and stupid luck. For a fascinating example of all of the above, I direct your attention to a great article at Shortlist (via The Playlist) about the history of Face/Off. As it turns out before the movie was made by John Woo with stars Nicolas Cage and John Travolta, it was very nearly directed by Demolition Man filmmaker Marco Brambilla and a p
Nicolas Cage Really Loved ‘Civil War,’ ‘Batman v. Superman,’ and ‘Suicide Squad’
Nicolas Cage Really Loved ‘Civil War,’ ‘Batman v. Superman,’ and ‘Suicide Squad’
Nicolas Cage Really Loved ‘Civil War,’ ‘Batman v. Superman,’ and ‘Suicide Squad’
For an actor whose superhero prospects haven’t always been stellar, Nicolas Cage sure does love superhero movies. His role as Big Daddy in Kick-Ass was the most positively received, but critics and audiences alike were lukewarm-to-cold on his Johnny Blaze in the Ghost Rider movies (Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is actually a good movie, okay). Cage isn’t salty about it though, revealing that he really did enjoy this year’s three most recent superhero movies (minus Doctor Strange).
Nicolas Cage Will Hunt Osama bin Laden in an Upcoming Comedy
Nicolas Cage Will Hunt Osama bin Laden in an Upcoming Comedy
Nicolas Cage Will Hunt Osama bin Laden in an Upcoming Comedy
Nicolas Cage has made a habit of selecting atrocious film roles for the better part of a decade, so it’s always a pleasant surprise when he finds himself attached to something that actually sounds promising. Fresh off a Razzie nomination for the quick and dirty paycheck gig that was ‘Left Behind,’ Cage is set to lead ‘Army of One,’ a film adaptation of a truly bizarre story about man’s hunt for Osama Bin Laden.
Does This Newly-Discovered Monkey Look Like Nicolas Cage?
Does This Newly-Discovered Monkey Look Like Nicolas Cage?
Does This Newly-Discovered Monkey Look Like Nicolas Cage?
We LOLed heartily and shivered in horror at the same time when we first saw 'Nicolas Cage Cats,' an unholy hybrid of felines and the internet's favorite actor. Now, Cage continues his inadvertent domination over the animal kingdom with this photo of a newly-discovered monkey species that looks just like him.
Seven Celebrities Who Cheated on Their Taxes
Seven Celebrities Who Cheated on Their Taxes
Seven Celebrities Who Cheated on Their Taxes
With tax day just around the corner, the IRS is readying itself to spot this year's round of tax evaders. Given the lack of impulse control and sense of entitlement among the celebrity set (we're looking at you, Charlie Sheen), it should be no surprise that the famous and the powerful are among the worst tax cheats out there. Here are seven celebrities who didn't pay the tax man, and ended up payi