‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Blu-ray Reveals Extras (and No Deleted Scenes)
We've known for a while now that 'The Dark Knight Rises' would be hitting DVD and Blu-ray the first week of December (now December 4), but we didn't know the specs for this summer's second biggest hit. Would there be the thirty minutes of deleted scenes that were rumored, or any deleted material at all? The specs are in, the answer is no.
Entertainment Weekly has the full specs, and they mention a documentary about the Batmobile - which was hinted at in the run up to the movie when every Batmobile made an appearance in Burbank, California - and what seems to be the "Focus Points" feature for the Blu-ray called "Ending the Knight." It offers "an in-depth look featuring about 17 featurettes at how Nolan and his production team made 'The Dark Knight Rises,' from Batman vs. Bane to totally demolishing a city street." Also mentioned, a featurette called "The Journey of Bruce Wayne," trailers and still galleries.
Noticeably missing are any deleted scenes or a commentary track. Though Christopher Nolan recorded commentary tracks for his first three movies, he hasn't for anything since. Perhaps in a couple years they'll throw a pile of money at him and he'll record them for the trilogy (if the format is still around). The supplements look like a close match to what was on 'The Dark Knight' - for better or worse.
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