Tutors Are Needed For Duluth Schools
Americorps and Duluth Schools are looking for full and part-time tutors at several schools in both reading and math programs.
According to DNT, the several schools that need tutors are:
- Barnes Early Childhood Center at Lowell Elementary
- Congdon Park Early Childhood
- Homecroft Elementary
- Lakewood Elementary
- Laura MacArthur Elementary (where I went to school)
- Lester Park Elementary
- Lowel Elementary
- Myers-Wilkins Elementary
- Piedmont Elementary
- Stowe Elementary
- North Star Academy
- Spirit Valley YWCA.
If you are interested in becoming a tutor you need to commit to 11 months of service. You can even earn an award up to $5,815 to pay for student loans or tuition. For more info, go to readingandmath.net or call (866) 859-2825 for details.