Unbelievable! Minnesota Teenager Caught Driving 107 MPH
I remember when I was 16 and could not wait to get my driver's license. Part of the reason being my mom was a horrible driver and made me so nervous every time I was in the car with her. As a side note, my mom knew she was a bad driver and actually did not like to drive but had to out of necessity. So I vowed once I got my license, that she was never driving me anywhere again and she was happy to have me drive her instead.
I have a summer birthday and so I was not able to take driver's education through my High School, but I was fortunate enough that my parents signed me up for driving school. My instructor was great and he actually had a steering wheel and brakes on his side of the car as well which I thought was pretty cool.
Now fast forward to taking my test, I failed the first time because I bumped the curb parallel parking. I was devastated, but practiced and made sure I had it down pat. I am from Milwaukee and we took our tests out on a real street, not a course in a parking lot so you also had the stress of real traffic but I passed the second time around with no problem.
Get my license and ask my parents if I can take my mom's car to go see some friends. Now mind you my dad is an Insurance Agent, so he grills me about all the things I need to watch out for, staying safe, etc. As I get in the car he tells me do not turn on the radio, I don't want you to be distracted. I looked at him like are you kidding? I pull out of the driveway, get to the end of the block, and crank the radio as loud as it will go. But at least I did not do what this kid did.

Police in Olmstead County Minnesota stopped a 16-year-old boy last week who is believed to be under the influence and was driving 107 mph in a 55 mph zone. He is facing charges of 4th-degree DWI, reckless driving, driving without a license, drug possession, and of course speeding.
According to KIMT: "The boy told deputies he knew his vehicle could reach 112 miles per hour and said he “felt the song” after it came on the radio." Thankfully nobody was hurt and this kid better get used to taking public transportation and getting rides since he won't be back driving for a long time!
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