April Fool's day has come and gone and companies around the world came up with some elaborate hoaxes to fool customers.  What was your favorite?

My favorite would have to be #Snoopavision hands down. If you were watching YouTube videos yesterday, you may have noticed a silhouette of what Snoop Dogg's head kind of looks like in the lower right hand corner. That is #Snoopavision, a 360 degree video experience that Snoop Dogg will then appear and watch the video with you.

When you press the icon, you're directed to a page that says "Snoopavision is in beta and will be enabled on Experience YouTube in #Snoopavision by 10/20/2052". Unfortunately we have to wait 36 years to enjoy this amazing experience, however there are some already made Snoopavision videos to try out on the page (which is essentially a Snoop version of 'Mystery Science Theater 3000')

You can check out #Snoopavison below and let me know what your favorite April Fool's Day prank was in the comments.



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