Eric, know as the 'Nomadic Fanatic' is a guy who is traveling the United States in his RV and putting it all out on YouTube. And what do you know, he came through Duluth and Superior recently!

It's always cool to see someone else's perspective coming through Duluth. Eric has described his YouTube channel as "a channel about my adventures living in an RV full time, boondocking, urban camping, and living off solar. Traveling an average of 45 miles a day to experience the entire country. Overnight parking can be a Walmart parking lot, truck stop, freeway rest stop, park, free campground, city lots after 5pm, and anywhere else I feel like going. I travel with my best friend - a 24lb maincoon cat named Jax. We film our adventures on the road and try to capture the beauty and freedom of life on the road and my alternative, low cost "American Dream"."

The Nomadic Fanatic channel on YouTube has over 80,000 subscribers, so he must be doing something right. Here's the video from when Eric came through Duluth:

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