Best Places To Volunteer Or Donate This Holiday Season in Duluth
Volunteers are in short supply this year due to COVID-19. Organizations need your help more than ever before. Every year these places help out those less fortunate in our community. There's been a lot of income loss and much more demand this year due to COVID-19 on these charitable organizations. Volunteers and donations are needed now
more than ever before.
So where can you go and who needs your help? I told you last month about how desperate the Salvation Army was for bell ringers, distribution volunteers, and gift wrappers. They still need your help. They have come up with safe ways for you to ring bell including digital contributions. You can stand 6 feet away from people outdoors and ring the bells at the signature red kettles. People can still donate by dropping money in them, but they also do know have a QR code scanner that you can use to donate money digitally. That's pretty sweet.

Besides the iconic red kettle bell ringing, they do also need help with food & toy distribution as we get closer to Christmas. They are practicing social distancing and wearing masks to keep everyone safe. If you would like more information on how to volunteer you can start at their website DuluthSA.org.
Another place to consider volunteering as an individual or business is Northern Lakes Food Banks. They help gather food and distribute it all across the Northland. You can find more information on how to get involved on their website.
The Union Gospel Mission is always looking for volunteers year round. As we head into the colder months of the year, the need increases more. Sometimes businesses have their employees come in and serve lunch for a day. There's opportunities to make a difference at The Union Gospel Mission.
CHUM is also looking for volunteers on a regular basis. Examples of what volunteers can do include helping families pick out food from the food shelf, preparing a meal and serving it a CHUM or the Steve O'Neil Apartments.
Volunteers are always needed, but it is also important to note that monetary donations are always needed as well. All of the organizations here have ways to donate online. So give in this season of giving and help out those less fortunate than you.
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