Minnesota Camp Counselor Charged With Shooting Arrows At Campers
One of the fun things about summer is all the different outdoor activities kids can do; usually, a day camp is one super fun way to learn new activities and skills. But for a group of kids at a day camp in Minnetrista, Minnesota what happened to them would be pretty traumatic.
According to a criminal complaint camp counselor McKenzie Kim Stolt who is 19 years old and from Minneapolis was doing an archery activity with a group of kids. A witness said that while Stolt stood on the platform she asked one of the boys in the group to stand in front of the target!
The boy was between 15 -20 feet from the platform as Stolt used a compound bow and shot arrows at him with one of them going between his legs and hitting the target. She then had several more children step up in front of the targets as she shot the arrows at them causing them to dance around.
Her final arrow hit one boy in the arm, as he ran from the target in tears. The boy had visible marks on his arm where the arrow hit him. The arrows that Stolt was using have a metal point and are generally used for target practice and hunting small game.
According to Bring Me The News: "Stolt sent the boy home with a note to the parents, saying the boy had "trouble listening and following directions at camp" on that day. Stolt allegedly told the boy to follow the rules and said he didn't, so she told him to stand in front of the target. She claimed she intentionally missed because she did not want to shoot the boy with the arrow. She also claimed that the victim "could've moved but chose not to and therefore got hurt because of it."

OK, I'm sorry, first of all, if the witness was another adult why did they not stop this immediately, and second she shot the arrows at more than this one kid, and these children who are taught to listen to an adult, had to be terrified during the entire experience. What a ridiculous defense, but she had to come up with something right?
Stolt has been charged with one count of child endangerment, which carries a maximum sentence of one year in prison if she's convicted. Her initial court appearance is on Aug. 25 in Hennepin County. That camp needs to reevaluate its hiring practices as well.
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