City of Superior Paid $15,000 To Be A Sponsor For Catalyst Content Festival In Duluth
The City of Superior is paying $15,000 to be part of the Catalyst Content Festival in Duluth October 9-13. The five-day festival will be held in several Duluth venues : Zeitgeist, NorShor Theatre, Fitgers, GreySolon, and The Depot.
Mayor Jim Paine said it was important to be a part of of this as it will be a big boost for the city of Superior. For their sponsorship the city of Superior will be featured in the Catalyst Content Festival catalog of services. Those participating in and attending the festival will now be aware of all that Superior has to offer such as hotels, restaurants, and more.
Paine went on to say "The film industry just really hasn't had a presence in the Twin Ports and now it will have a major presence. For Superior to not be a part of that, and to not be in on the ground floor would have been a massive missed opportunity,"
According to WDIO officials say the city of Duluth paid $50,000 to be a part of the Catalyst Content Festival with St. Louis County and the IRRRB paying even more than that.
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