A Sign Of Summertime! Duluth’s Canal Park Cold Stone Creamery Opens For The Season
The weather is finally starting to trend toward the upcoming summer season after a long and historically snowy winter in the Duluth area. May is traditionally the month the Twin Ports pivots to summertime and tourist season, with a number of seasonal businesses opening in time for the surge of additional activity both from locals getting out and about and tourists coming into the area.
When it comes to business indicators that spring is arriving, one of the first in the area is usually Gordy's Hi-Hat, which generally opens sometime in March, offering optimism to locals that winter is nearing the end. This year, they opened on March 22 for the 2023 season.
Other seasonal benchmarks include places like the Portland Malt Shoppe, which opened this year on April 26 (after weather pushed back their initial opening plans) and the West Duluth Dairy Queen, which opened this year on March 3.
While I haven't heard any plans yet on places like A & Dub's in West Duluth or the Grandma's Boxcar in Canal Park, another seasonal Duluth business has already opened for the season under reduced hours, with the plan to fully open for the season soon!
Nestled in a recessed area next to the Grandma's Marathon building, the Canal Park Cold Stone Creamery ushered in their 2023 season on May 4, opening for limited hours May 4-7, closing again May 8-10, then opening fully for the season on May 11! Starting on Thursday the 11th, they'll be open 7 days a week with normal hours all the way through the summer season, to October.
While the Cold Stone location on Central Entrance remains open year-round, the Canal Park location maintains seasonal hours targeted at those enjoying warmer weather in the beautiful Canal Park area.
As a bit of an ice cream lover, I'm excited to see the area's seasonal ice cream shops opening for the season. More ice cream options and the promise of warmer weather are a win-win for me!
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