Duluth High Schools To Sing Holiday Carols Downtown
Tis the season to be merry and local high schoolers will be brightening people's day by singing Holiday Carols at in Downtown through the Skywalk system.
During the lunch hour on Firday December 7th, the Marshall School Chamber Singers filled the Skywalk with favorite holiday melodies. They stopped at the North Shore Bank Skywalk level and the lobby of US Bank. They finished their performance in the Wells Fargo lobby.
Caroling will continue during the lunch hour on Thursday December, 13th. This time it will be the East High Choralaries singing their way through the Skywalk. They will begin at 11:30 am in the lobby of Republic Bank. They will then make their way to the the Wells Fargo lobby, the lobby of US Bank and then the Holiday Center around 12:15 pm.
Then on Tuesday December 18th, enjoy more beautiful sounds of the season with Denfeld's Maroon 16. Their performance will begin at the lobby at PS Rudie Medical Center at 11:30 am. They will then move through the Skywalk and make stops at the Tech Village Atrium at 11:45 am, North Shore Bank at Noon, and the Holiday Center around 12:15 pm.
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