Duluth Police Department Released A Notice Of A High-Risk Predatory Offender Living In Duluth
The Duluth Police Department, like many police departments all over the country, is obligated to notify the public when a high-risk predator moves into the area. The following information is a statement released by the Duluth Police Department on January 7, 2022 regarding a male who resides in Duluth. He has served his term and was released on April 6, 2020. He is no longer under supervision since his sentence has expired. His most current address as of January 4 2022 is in the 100 block of West 4th Street, in Duluth.
His name is Cedric Scott Anderson he is 45 years old, American Indian or Alaskan Native. He is 5'9" tall 189 pounds with brown eyes and black hair. He is considered a level three risk. Cedric Anderson has a history of sexual contact with unknown and known adult females, and force was used to gain compliance.
According to the statement from the Duluth Police Department "This individual has served the sentence imposed on them by the court and is transitioning into the community. This notification is not intended to increase fear but rather raise awareness. Law enforcement believes that an informed public is a safer public."