Duluth Superior Pride Festival 2020 Goes Virtual
Pride is generally celebrated in June throughout the world, but in order to not compete with other festivals the Duluth Superior Pride Festival is held every year on Labor Day weekend. People from all over the country descend upon the Twin Ports to celebrate a weekend of fun and love with family and friends.

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The festival takes place for the entire weekend spanning both Duluth and Superior with the main festival taking place in Duluth and Superior. So now Plan B and some of the activities have been set up to be virtual. Below is a list of some of the programs and dates all which can be viewed on the Duluth Superior Pride Facebook Page:
- Sidewalk Chalk/Window sign contest: Going on now-September 5. The theme for Pride this year is "We see you" and should be a part of your art work. To submit your entry take a picture of your sidewalk chalk or window sign and send it to virtualcontests.dspride @gmail.com by September 5 2020. Please include your name, home address and phone number. The winners will be announced via The Duluth-Superior Pride Facebook Page on September 6 and will be contacted via e-mail. Two winners will be drawn each receiving a $50 Visa Card.
- Silent Auction: Thursday September 3 through September 6Mayor's Comments / Videos 5:00pm
- Art Show: Friday September 4 through October 1 From Selma to Stonewall Are we There Yet -7pm
- Ignite Studio Yoga 12p (Saturday September 5) Yard / Window / Chalk Contest -Winners announced 2p Ignite Studio Cardio 5p
- Pride Church Service - Peace Church YouTube: 10:30am
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