The Foo Fighters returned to Saturday Night Live last night (Dec. 16) to take part in the show’s annual Christmas episode. In their first appearance they performed “The Sky is a Neighborhood” from latest album Concrete and Gold – watch it below – but their second set stole the show when Dave Grohl began with a section of “Everlong” before cutting to “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Watch that performance above.

“I wasn't raised in a religious house – there wasn't a whole lot of church going on – but there was a whole lot of whisky and a whole lot of presents,” Grohl said in 2005 when asked by NME about the meaning of Christmas. “There'd always be a huge party – we would never need to send out invitations, just a hundred or so close friends would come over and it’d turn into a raging keg party. Those parties were always pretty epic. Now the house I live in is a little bigger and things are a little more formal. I actually put on a jacket. And sometimes a tie.”

He also recalled his worst-ever holiday season, when a friend gave him a bad of magic mushrooms at the age of 14. “So I took them and went to my parents' party, and just when the party started picking up the mushrooms started really coming on. I just had the night of my life. I was so obviously out of it that a friend of my mother's took me to one side and said, ‘David, have you been doing cocaine?’’

The Foo Fighters play a New Year show at the Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas, NV on Dec. 31 before continuing their Concrete and Gold tour schedule on Jan. 20.

Will Heath/NBC
Will Heath/NBC
Will Heath/NBC
Will Heath/NBC

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