People Actually Use A Tree Strap To Poo Outside In Wisconsin?
You know how it goes when you're scrolling through social media, you never know what you're going to find in your feed. It's not shocking to find something related to a recent topic of discussion suddenly popping up, which can be a bit unnerving and even embarrassing if you have the kind of friends that I do.
Then there are times when something shows up completely out of the blue and you know very well that you weren't talking about it with a group of friends. That's what happened to me this week and I have to say I'm glad that it did!
Now, to be honest, talking about using the bathroom in the great outdoors would be something I could see happening, but it didn't, and yet I had an ad pop up that made me do a doubletake, laugh, and then wonder if anyone has actually used this. Let's face it: when you gotta go, you gotta go.
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Have you ever strapped yourself to a tree to use the bathroom in the woods? Apparently, it's a thing, as the ad below led me to dig a little deeper and this device is out there with a lot of different names, made by a lot of different manufacturers.

Whatever the name, they're all designed to do the same thing. You strap yourself to a tree, drop your drawers, and let nature take its course.
On Amazon, D&J currently has a product on sale for $39.99 called the D&J Backcountry Bathroom, and they note it's made with durable materials and holds up to 400 pounds. It's also a universal design, so anyone can use it. They also note that the Backcountry Bathroom promotes a natural and relaxed squatting position, which is crucial because you don't want to feel awkward.
A similar device is sold as the "Krapp Strapp" and it was marketed on the popular TV show 'Shark Tank' where a deal was made with its inventors to get it into production.
For outdoor enthusiasts like hunters and campers, I could totally see where this would come in handy. Unless, of course, the need to go came on suddenly, and you race against time to get yourself secured to a tree before letting loose.
Here's a helpful video to demonstrate how easy devices such as this are to use in the woods.
The Facebook post below from Travel Junkie even showed a genius idea of strapping to the ball on your truck hitch.
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Now, the big question is, would you give it a try? It couldn't hurt to have it in your gear, but if you want to give it a go, please make sure you're deep in the woods and away from a trail. You don't want to be strapped to a tree to do your business at some music-in-the-park event.
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Gallery Credit: Ken Hayes