Is Miley Cyrus’ ‘Black Mirror’ Episode Low-Key About #FreeBritney?
If you noticed a lot of similarities between Miley Cyrus' Black Mirror character and Britney Spears, you're not alone. In fact, many believe the episode is about the #FreeBritney movement.
WARNING: Major Black Mirror Season 5, Episode 2 spoilers ahead!
For those of you who haven't had a chance to tune into the episode "Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too," the story is about a pop star named Ashley O who releases a robotic doll named Ashley Too. We soon find out that the singer's life isn't as perfect and she makes it seem because, behind the scenes, she struggles with her mental health. She and her manager also do not see eye to eye when it comes to the direction her career is headed and as a result, Ashley O is poisoned and put into a coma where people steal song ideas directly from her brain.
It's very scary and pretty hard to watch considering how intense the music industry is IRL. It also made a lot of people think of Britney and everything she's gone through in her career. As previously reported, the "Toxic" singer checked into rehab in rehab against her will, which prompted fans to start the #FreeBritney movement.
It's hard not to see parallels between Britney and Ashley O, especially because they're both famous pop stars, they both have a manipulative person/team in their life who controls them, they both tried to escape their "Girl Next Door" image and finally, they were both hospitalized and medicated against their will.
Of course, it's important to note the similarities are probably just a big coincidence since the Black Mirror episode was filmed before the #FreeBritney movement started, but that hasn't stopped fans from pointing out them out.
Miley Cyrus' Black Mirror episode is available on Netflix right now.
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