Minnesota Among Top States For Online Dating Safety
With apps and websites like Tinder, Bumble and Match.com all becoming increasingly popular, online dating has become more of an option to people looking for their significant other. Where does Minnesota rank in safest states for online dating?
As it turns out, online dating in Minnesota is considered pretty safe! Minnesota was rated as the 9th safest state for online dating by highspeedinternet.com and Safewise. Deciding factors in the rankings involved analyzing FBI cybercrime and violent crime rates and reported cases of common STDs.
If you're in Vermont, you can rest easy as they were named the number one safest state for online dating. The other states in the top ten include: Maine, New Hampshire, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, West Virginia, Connecticut and New Jersey.
Wisconsin sneaked into the top half of the list at number 20, with North Dakota and Iowa sliding in at 13th and 14th safest states.
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