Minnesota Produced ‘The Jason Show’ Featuring Duluth This Summer
A popular TV show that originates from the Twin Cities will dedicate a whole week to Duluth this summer.
'The Jason Show' is a daily entertainment talk show produced by KMSP FOX 9 in the Twin Cities and is hosted by Jason Matheson, who also hosts 'Jason & Alexis in the Morning' on a Twin Cities radio station. The show has been airing in Duluth since 2017 and the 'The Jason Show' has been around since 2014.
During a recent airing of the show, Matheson gave a shoutout to Duluth and thanked the KBJR representatives for the gifts, including a bag from Duluth Pack, and he announced that they will be doing a week's worth of Duluth content on the show coming up in August.
The show airs on KBJR 6 weekdays at 11 AM. Check out 'The Jason Show' on Facebook or you can even attend a live show as an audience member, information on that can be found here.