Mix 108 Awards The Largest Single Cash Payout in Twin Ports Radio History [VIDEO]
Last night at Grandma's Sports Garden, Mix 108 gathered with 108 qualifiers for the Summer Cash Bash, before the night was through someone was going to win $5000. One by One listeners entered a 4 digit code into a lock, this continued until 8 locks were open, those 8 winners got new codes to try on one final lock for the $5000!
Mix 108 listener and VIP Amber was the one with the lucky code that unlocked the largest single cash payout in Twin Ports radio history, $5000! As you can see in the video Amber was very excited and plans to spend the money on a spa day, her upcoming wedding and she's is even considering sending her fiancé to Las Vegas for his Bachelor party. Congratulations Amber, and thanks to everybody for listening and playing, just wait til you see what we are planning next, stay tuned.