MnDOT Hosting Meeting To Address 3 New Roundabouts On Duluth’s London Road
A recent study found that Minnesota and Wisconsin rank in the Top 10 of states with the most roundabouts. Now, it appears that Duluth will be adding three more to the state's tally with a project involving London Road.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation announced they will be hosting a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, December 21 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss these proposed roundabouts. Specifically, they want to address questions and concerns the public has brought forth thus far.
The new London Road roundabouts are being proposed at 26th Avenue East, 40th Avenue East and 60th Avenue East.
MnDOT has provide a summary of the all the work that is set to be done with this project:
- Roundabouts at 26th Avenue East, 40th Avenue East, 60th Avenue East
Enhanced intersection improvements (left turn lanes, raised pedestrian refuge islands) - Lane configuration/pavement marking modifications
- Add missing pedestrian amenities
- Drainage improvements
- Pavement resurfacing
- Correct existing sidewalk deficiencies to meet ADA standards
- Boulevard tree removal and replacement
- Roadway lighting improvements
- Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon for pedestrian crossing at 32nd Avenue East
MnDOT shared a video showing drone footage of a roundabout in West St. Paul with a similar traffic volume as London Road. It shows how vehicles navigate the roundabout, and at the 2:10 mark, it shows how pedestrians navigate it.
Those interested in attending the new Duluth roundabouts virtual meeting can click the button below at 5:30 p.m. on December 21.
You can also join the meeting via telephone by calling 855-282-6330. The meeting access number is 2497 902 9978.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation adds that for those unable to attend, a recording will be posted online.