More Details Emerge About Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie Incident At Minnesota Airport
In 2016 Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had a domestic issue onboard a private plane while traveling from Nice, France to Los Angeles, California. The trip included a refueling stop in Minnesota where authorities responded to investigate an alleged incident of child abuse. Now six years later, more details are emerging about what may have actually happened in the plane.
Brad Pitt was cleared of charges by the FBI in an investigation. It was handed to the FBI because it was an international flight. The incident occurred before and during a refueling stop at International Falls Airport in Northern, Minnesota on the Canadian border. It's not a widely known fact, but many private jets stop at International Falls Airport because it is less busy and more convenient than other larger cities.
Yahoo! News is reporting that sources say the alleged fight took place when Brad Pitt was drinking during the flight. The FBI report does not name Pitt by name, and only refers to "the husband" on the plane during the altercation.
In context, sources gather that Pitt became angry with Jolie about how she was raising the children. The fight escalated and the parents went to the back of the plane in private. That's when Jolie claims Pitt "grabbed her by the head, shaking her, followed by grabbing her at the shoulders and shaking her," as reported by Yahoo News and other media outlets. She also claims that Pitt punched the ceiling of the plane about 4 times.
When they emerged from the back of the plane their children asked if "Mommy was ok?" She claims that Pitt then said, "Mommy's not okay, she's ruining this family, and she's crazy." That's when then an unnamed child, (but assumed to be eldest Maddox) stepped in and told Pitt that he was the one ruining the family. Jolie claims that Pitt charged at the children and she put him in a choke hold to stop him.
The FBI report (that has not been officially released) says at that point, Pitt threw himself backward and Jolie fell into an airplane seat where she sustained injuries to her back and elbows. Photos are documented in the report.
The report also says that Jolie tried to arrange a stay overnight near International Falls to separate her and her children from Pitt, but Pitt became angry and told her she wasn't taking his kids.
During the flight from I-falls to Burbank, an anonymous person called the Department of Children and Protective Services. Representatives were at the tarmac in Burbank to take the complaint.

Pitt's sources have said that he denies that he hurt his son and said that the whole thing is a combination of exaggeration and lies. Jolie filed for divorce just days after the flight. Pitt quit drinking in the following year and remains sober.
No criminal charges were filed against Pitt during the investigation. A Jane Doe sued the FBI to release the report citing the Freedom of Information Act. Sources such as Vanity Fair said it was actually Angelina Jolie who was Jane Doe as she wanted to have access to the records to protect her family.
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