Packer Fan Starts GoFundMe to Pay Clay Matthews Fines
Adam Waraxa from Pewaukee, WI has started a GoFundMe page to raise money for any fines that Clay Matthews could get from the NFL for roughing the passer penalties.
Waraxa says he started the Pay for Clay campaign because, "the Officiatirs for the NFL have been increasingly unfair and I would like to show my support toward the Green Bay Packer’s, especially Clay Matthews. Go Pack Go! All proceeds will go to paying for the fines that may accumulate from the penalties against the Packer’s.”
Matthews has had three roughing the passer penalties in the first three games of the season, one against Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins, and the NFL has handed out 30+ yellow flags for roughing the passer so far this season.
The page, which has raised over $500, was updated recently saying "This whole thing got a bit bigger than intended, with that being said, I will attempt to reach out to Mr. Matthews to see which chairity he would like to donate the money to, if I receive no response, I will donate it all to The Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin."
Maybe he could use some of the money and invest in a spellchecker, Packer fans ◔_◔