Pickleball is in Full Swing in the Twin Ports [VIDEO]
Even though the sport of Pickleball has been around for years, it is a newer phenomenon here in the Twin Ports. But with it's popularity growing now everyone has more opportunities than ever to play.
In November of 2016 the Duluth Area Pickleball Association was formed giving a home to this fast, fun moving game for all ages. It is a combination of tennis, and ping pong played on a badminton size court. So for people like me who used to love to play tennis, it is ideal because there is not as much running around.
Wondering where you can play? Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Only $5.00 for two hours of play. Held at the Encounter Building, 201 E. 1st Street. Plus Duluth and Superior YMCA's offer it as well. The Duluth YMCA has Pickleball lessons too.