What Did Ricky Gervais Say to Mel Gibson at the Golden Globes?
Six years after his memorable Mel Gibson burn at the 2010 Golden Globes (“I like a drink as much as the next man. Unless the next man is Mel Gibson…”), Ricky Gervais again had to introduce Gibson at this year’s Golden Globes. Gervais mixed in a Nazi joke and a Bill Cosby joke, but when the two finally met on stage, it was one bleeped joke that had everyone wonder, what did Ricky Gervais actually say to Mel Gibson?
After Gervais announced Gibson, who was there to introduce Mad Max: Fury Road as a Best Picture nominee, Gibson took the mic to say that it was good to see Gervais every three years because it reminds him to get a colonoscopy. Gervais came back out from backstage, the two pretended to be friendly (even though you could cut the tension with a knife) and Gervais said he wanted to ask Gibson a question. The audience couldn’t hear what Gervais said next, but the Golden Globes audience reacted thusly:
According to those backstage, Gervais asked Gibson, “What the f–- does sugart–-s even mean?” in reference to Gibson’s 2006 DUI arrest when he reportedly asked a female police officer, “What do you think you’re looking at, sugar t---.”
Gibson’s response on stage tonight was, “I don’t know, ask the person who said it.”
You can watch the whole awkward encounter below.
Gervais wasn’t the only one who got bleeped at the 2016 Golden Globes. Jonah Hill started off the show getting bleeped three times presenting with Channing Tatum. Amy Schumer was later bleeped while presenting with Jennifer Lawrence for using the c-word. As a wise man once said:
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