Superior Veterinarian Reminds People Not To Neglect Regular Visits For Your Pet During The Pandemic
Owning two dogs and two cats I have been very lucky that all four of my animals are happy and healthy, but in order to keep it that way I make sure that they are seen regularly by a veterinarian, and stay up to date on their shots. Since last March many pet owners have been faced with not being able to bring their pets in for treatment or were not comfortable doing so.
Many veterinarian clinics or hospitals only offer curbside service and for some people they feel uncomfortable not being able to be with their dog or cat to comfort them while they are being seen. It is understandably nerve racking for the human and can cause some anxiety for your pet as well.

Happy Tails Animal Hospital in Superior allows one person to escort their pet into the hospital at a time and this system has worked out very well for them. With that being the case they also have noticed a lot of clients coming from Minnesota.
Doctor Justin Dahl is the owner of Happy Tails Animal Hospital in Superior and said:
One of the good comments I received from a client was, ‘I bring my dog in, the doctor calls me from inside the hospital, and he said, I can’t even think of what my questions are before the doctor hangs up and I don’t have a way to ask those questions, so it’s much easier to see somebody face-to-face where I can think about my questions.
If you have gotten a new pet it is recommended that you bring them in for a check up and any vaccines that they may need. Many hospitals and clinics have also seen a rise in puppies and kittens being brought in during the pandemic. Just like human babies it is very important for them to be evaluated and vaccinated to ensure that they are healthy and can thrive.
Also with the change in seasons many dogs and cats need prescriptions and tests for things like heart worm and tick prevention. If you do go to a veterinarian hospital that does curbside care try to can speak with the veterinarian before you bring your pet in ahead of time so they are aware of all your needs or concerns, or have a written list to give them when you arrive. Thankfully our veterinarian knows all of our animals very well and has their health records right in front of them. Our pets are part of our families and deserve the best care we can provide, so it is nice to know during these unprecedented times that their are options for care out there.
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