
What's Up With This Statue?
What's Up With This Statue?
What's Up With This Statue?
I've driven by Miller Dwan Rehab building many times in Duluth, and I've seen the artwork statue out in front of the doors.  It wasn't until recently, when I was actually walking out of the building, that I noticed how "real" the statue is.  I mean, holy cow.
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
Etch-A-Sketches are one of those childhood toys that never go out of style. If you're like most people, a few hours' worth of entertainment usually produced some pretty bad art, although it never really mattered. But there are the select few who are really good at Etch-A-Sketching. Like, really really good.

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