
How Much Exercise Do You Need to Burn Off Thanksgiving Dinner?
How Much Exercise Do You Need to Burn Off Thanksgiving Dinner?
How Much Exercise Do You Need to Burn Off Thanksgiving Dinner?
It's no secret that the heart and soul of Thanksgiving is food. While those amazing comfort foods of Thanksgiving are mighty tasty, they're also not the healthiest. With the massive amount of calories being eaten in just one sitting, how long would you have to exercise to burn off that meal?
Exercising Women Rewarded With Dancing Neon Stripper [VIDEO]
Exercising Women Rewarded With Dancing Neon Stripper [VIDEO]
Exercising Women Rewarded With Dancing Neon Stripper [VIDEO]
This TV commercial for a French bottled water company shows a bunch of women being encouraged to exercise harder to get the virtual stripper to take off more virtual clothes, oh, how exciting?! Ladies would having a real stripper in front of you motivate you to work out harder?
TEXTercise: The Newest Fitness Craze? [VIDEO]
TEXTercise: The Newest Fitness Craze? [VIDEO]
TEXTercise: The Newest Fitness Craze? [VIDEO]
Finally, there’s an exercise program that combines aerobics and text messaging. It’s called Textercise, and it’s not joke. It has a Facebook page and was featured on Fox News. The thought was, if you can exercise while using a Wii… why not do it while texting, which is about the only exercise some teens and young adults get anyways.