One Minnesota meteorologist issued a strong cautionary message regarding potentially record-breaking heat at the end of July and already dry conditions in Northern Minnesota.
Summer is finally here and with the warmer temperatures your four legged friend needs some extra TLC when you are out and about. Here is a list of must have items to keep them happy and healthy.
While crews continue to work hard to restore power as quickly as possible to the thousands still in the dark, temperatures around the Twin Ports will soar again into uncomfortable levels. To help, a number of area businesses and organizations are offering places to cool off or even take a shower...
The Northland had been warned of excessive heat and many people were preparing by getting their fans and air conditioners in place. However, no one was expecting the extent of damage from the early morning storm that surprised us with downed trees and power lines. Over 3,000+ people were left without power and many don't know when it will be restored. Amsoil Arena and the Duluth Area YMCA has ste
Unfortunately there are tragic stories each summer about pets and children left in vehicles on hot summer days. While there has been a growing awareness about these dangers when outdoor temperatures are hot, it is important to remember that even on cooler days that it can still get dangerously hot in a vehicle.