
UMD Students Have Created A Hoodie Company To Help The Homeless
UMD Students Have Created A Hoodie Company To Help The Homeless
UMD Students Have Created A Hoodie Company To Help The Homeless
Bryan Bokusky and Cassidy Dow are both students attending UMD and have created  “Hoodies 4 The Homeless”, a business that gives back to the community. Bokusy came up with idea after he received a bonus from basic training. Right now for each Hoodie purchased one will be donated to someone in need...
‘Homeless Hotspots’ Ignite Heated Debate
‘Homeless Hotspots’ Ignite Heated Debate
‘Homeless Hotspots’ Ignite Heated Debate
The annual SXSW interactive conference in Austin is sometimes plagued with snail-slow internet speeds (when you can connect at all). But this year it’s been a little easier to find a wifi hotspot: just look for a homeless person. Yes, homeless people are now being used as wifi spots.
Dying Homeless Man Sees His Dog One Last Time [VIDEO]
Dying Homeless Man Sees His Dog One Last Time [VIDEO]
Dying Homeless Man Sees His Dog One Last Time [VIDEO]
If you haven’t had a good cry today, this should do it. When a homeless Iowa man, 57-year-old Kevin McClain, was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, his move to a hospice meant giving up his dog, Yurt. As his condition worsened, his only wish was to be reunited with the faithful companion who’d lived in his car with him.
Man Found Living on Top of Waffle House
Man Found Living on Top of Waffle House
Man Found Living on Top of Waffle House
An air conditioner repairman made a startling discovery while doing work at a Waffle House in Atlanta, Georgia. According to reports, he found a man living on the roof of the Gordon Highway location. Authorities were quickly notified, and police and firemen were called in to bring him down.

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