Jeanne and Cooper bring you the MIX 108 Lyrics Game each week, quizzing staff and listeners on pop music lyrics. Here are audio archives, scoring, and standings.
MIX 108 is excited to host an Ugly Christmas Sweater Bash on December 13, but it turns out Cooper and Jeanne don't have ugly sweaters to wear to the party. They need your help picking some out to wear!
Some people know what they want to study in college before they even start. Others figure it out along the way as they begin taking their generals. Jeanne and Cooper share how they decided what to study after making the decision of where to go to college.
From location to program choices, faculty, campus life, and many other factors, it takes a lot to find perfect fit when deciding on a college or university. How did Jeanne and Cooper decide on where to go after high school?
Oreo cookies have done it again with a new flavor, But, this time they are having you the consumer guess what the new flavor is and you could win cash!
Since I am 4th generation Irish, St. Patrick's Day was always a big deal in our house, so I long to visit this beautiful country some day. But for now, calling a Pub outside of Dublin will have to do.
Thanks to many donations from the public and a variety of Drop Off sites throughout the area MIx 108 was able to add to the school supplies at two Duluth Schools.
The Click It or Ticket campaign is underway now, and Officer Ron Tinsley from the Duluth Police Department discusses the rules about everyone in the vehicle being buckled up, as well as takes a bunch of questions from our listeners.