Mountain Dew is getting ready for summer and has released their newest Dew with an American punch. DEW.S.A is united with three other Dew flavors: Code Red, White Out, and Voltage.
With all of the buzz about the fact there may be a Doritos flavored Mountain Dew in the experimental phase, Ian and I decided to make our own and give it a try.
Mountain Dew and Doritos are the flavors of youth for many, sparking memories of video game marathons and late-night parties with friends through high school and college. Word is PepsiCo is cooking up a drink to marry the two flavors into one item.
Over the weekend I decided to try the two newest flavors from Mountain Dew. After giving them a try, I decided to buy some more for the whole Mix crew to try!
After filling up at a gas station I was walking through and out of the corner of my eye I caught a yellow Mountain Dew box. I thought to myself, that can't be right. It was and I just had to give it a try!
Look, we all know suicide isn’t something you should usually joke about, but Michael Abraham has made it kind of funny by posting on Mountain Dew’s Facebook page.