Did you know that there is a type of pine tree that actually changes colors and will lose it's needles? We have them in Minnesota, but they were almost wiped out years ago.
Here are a few of the biggest trees in Wisconsin. They're Champion Trees, meaning they are the best of their species in the state. They're over 100 feet tall!
You see a lot of weird and interesting stuff on Google Earth and Google Street View. Things like weird shapes or symbols, or even a passenger jet that appeared to be at the bottom of a Minnesota Lake are among them. While some of those images are creepy or raise questions, this is just cool.
Earlier this summer a powerful storm swept through the Northland causing lots of damage, including the closing of Hartley Park. The good news, the park has been reopened.
Mayor Emily Larson joined Hartley Nature Center staff and students, community volunteers, and others to plant trees in Hartley Park in celebration of Arbor Day 2016.
A well intentioned dad climbed a tree in his front yard to simply hang a swing for his daughter and I think he forgot that getting up is one thing, getting down is another.
Dad gets a little nervous and realizes that he needs some help getting down, so his wife calls the fire department, grabs the video camera and starts filming, the guy says himself, "this is embarrassing' and I have to agre