The Assembly In Wisconsin Has Passed A Bill Allowing Bars To Sell Cocktails To Go
The pandemic has devastated many businesses across the country with many bars and restaurants closing permanently or now trying to recoup some of their lost revenue and even trying to hire back employees that were laid off or replace ones that have left. The Assembly in Wisconsin is trying to enact a bill that will hopefully offer some assistance.
Last week the Wisconsin Assembly unanimously approved a bill that would allow bars to sell take away orders of cocktails with a "tamper evident seal." According to The Superior Telegram back in February, Kristine Hillmer, president and CEO of the Wisconsin Restaurant Association, said :
Now more than ever restaurants need these kinds of tools to keep their restaurants afloat and keep their team employed.
Even with grants from the government and for some personal loans it is an uphill battle to maintain their businesses. There is some opposition to the bill though from the Wisconsin Grocers Association and Wisconsin Public Health Association. There is another hurdle that this bill needs to overcome and that is that this bill needs to be approved by the Senate Committee.

As of right now more than a dozen states have similar bills already in place like this one, many which were enacted during the pandemic. Having grown up outside of Milwaukee Wisconsin it was evident to me that Wisconsin in general was very open to the availability of liquor for the general public with it being sold in liquor stores, the number of bars all over the state and extended bar closing times. Where as in Minnesota we see a much different view with a more conservative approach to the sale of alcohol and number of bars.
I personally don't see anything wrong with this bill, to me it is the same as purchasing a growler or going to the liquor store to get alcohol. Of course some of this is served in single serving containers but hopefully given the fact that the packaging is tamper proof people will not consume the alcohol on their way home.
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