Watch A Minnesota 3rd Grader Sink An Epic Half-Court Shot [VIDEO]
One lucky third grade in Minnesota got a chance to participate in a lay-up, free throw, and three point shot to win some prizes and he did not disappoint.
The epic shot took place at Eastview Highschool, which is a little over 160 miles south of Duluth. This past weekend as the Eastview Lighting took on the Burnsville Blaze, a third grader's name was drawn to participate in some fun during half-time.
I used to play basketball and shooting a half court shot is quite the feat. To put it in perspective, half court shots are considered to be the lowest percentage shot in basketball. According to a statistic, about 1 in 100 half court shots are made in the NBA and those are professionals shooting there.
I can't imagine the feeling that third grader felt when he sunk it. His hook shot was a beaut and what made the video better? When a group of his friends excitedly ran out to the court to celebrate with him. You have to check out this video below:
The video started after the lay-up was made. He missed the first free throw shot, tried again and nailed it. He went to shoot a three, and the lady was probably like "nah, go for it all at half-court". Then the hook heard around the elementary school world as the kid chucked up a prayer. If you're curious, the Lightning won 89-45.