What Would You Do With A Million Dollars?
Earlier this morning we found out someone who bought a Minnesota lotto ticket in West Duluth won $1 million. Which prompts the question: what would do with a mill?
First off, I can't believe how close the winning ticket was to my house. Last year someone won $25,000 a year for life in Duluth, and now this year a million dollars.
There are so many things I would love to do if I won a mill, but honestly? I'd pay off my debt (house, car, etc.) and take a nice little vacation out of the state with the family and put the rest in savings. I'd also donate some to charity and probably renovate the house a little bit. Maybe it's a boring answer, but I would be very happy being debt free for sure!
Let me know in the comments below what you would do if $1 million. Would you quit your job? Spend it all? Save it? The possibilities are endless, well until you run out of money. Congrats to whoever won and hopefully you won't get bombarded from people wanting to borrow money.