When Will Fall Colors Peak in Duluth and on the North Shore This Year?
According to the Minnesota DNR, conditions are shaping up for the potential of a brilliant fall colors season. The DNR's forest health specialists say we had enough rain to set up the early stages of what's necessary for vibrant fall colors, but temperatures are the big factor moving forward.
In order to produce the vivid and diverse fall colors we love in the Duluth area and on the North Shore, we now need warm sunny days and cool nights to move the trees into fall mode. This is a trend we've started to see the last few days, and should continue moving forward.
A few estimates, including one from smokymountains.com, which offers weekly fall colors estimates on their fall foliage map for the entire country, pegs the first week of October as peak time for the Duluth area. If you want to head north, the last week of September and first week of October is your best window according to these estimates. The further south you go, the later peak season will be (obviously). If you want to check out Mississippi River Country in southeastern Minnesota, mid-October should offer the best colors.
This timeframe is roughly on par with last fall's change in colors, and promises to be just as beautiful. Some areas of Minnesota and Wisconsin have already begun to change. You can keep track of the progress of the fall colors around the region and find hotspots here.