has compiled a list of what states are the best to make a living in and used several factors like median wages, cost of living and other factors.

All the factors included for the rankings were: average income, cost of living, difficulty in getting a job, state tax rate, unemployment rate, and workplace issues, such as an unsafe job environment. Minnesota came in at number 10. The website then said the following about the Land of 10,000 Lakes:

Cracking the top 10 for both median wage and for low unemployment rate were the keys to Minnesota making the top 10 overall in this study after barely missing the best states list last year. The biggest caveat is the state tax burden, which is among the highest in the nation, as state tax on median income is reported as $2,312.28.

Wisconsin came in exactly at the half way point, number 25. In case you're curious, here's the top 10:

  1. Wyoming
  2. Washington
  3. Virginia
  4. North Dakota
  5. Texas
  6. Ohio
  7. Michigan
  8. Colorado
  9. Illinois
  10. Minnesota

Let me know what you think of the rankings in the comments below. Are you still satisfied with living in Minnesota?


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