Best outdoor Lunch Spots in the Twin Ports: Chambers Grove
If you live or work in West Duluth, Gary, or Morgan Park area, grab some delicious food from the Denfeld Whole Foods Co-op and enjoy the beautiful setting of Chambers Grove Park.
I have never been that far west before and it was beautiful. with the tree lined roads and then off to the side is this big lush park. They have a huge covered picnic area, a newer looking playground and you are right on the water. I saw a lot of boaters, people fishing and a guy tossing the ball around with his dog.
Chambers Grove would be a great place to bring your kids of all ages too. They have plenty of room to run around, have a picnic lunch and for the younger kids play on the playground.
Thanks again to the Denfeld- Whole Foods Co-op, the Southwest Melt with Turkey was delicious and had a nice spicy kick to it. All the vegetables that came with the sandwich were crisp and delicious, you can tell they had just been cut up that morning. Plus, this was the first time I had ever tasted Kombucha and I loved the little kick from that as well. This is no ordinary tea, I am officially hooked.
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