Flavor Flav Calls Out Chuck D for Kicking Him Out of Public Enemy
Flavor Flav is speaking out after getting kicked out of Public Enemy on Sunday (March 1).
On Monday (March 2), the former P.E. hypeman jumped on his social media accounts to address Chuck D firing him from the group. In a series of tweets, Flav called out Chuck D for booting him over politics.
"@MrChuckD are you kidding me right now???,,,over Bernie Sanders??? You wanna destroy something we've built over 35 years OVER POLITICS???,,,all because I don't wanna endorse a candidate,,,I'm very disappointed in you and your decisions right now Chuck," he tweeted.
Flav also added that he's not on drugs and has been sober for 10 years. "I have battled addiction before and like millions of other Americans I know the massive toll it takes[.] Chuck you know better than to lie about shit like that," he wrote.
Finally, Flav clarified that he didn't sue Chuck but rather requested that the Bernie Sanders campaign revise what he describes as their misleading marketing campaign for their Los Angeles rally yesterday.
"@MrChuckD,,,i didn't sue you on Friday,,,i asked the @berniesanders campaign to correct misleading marketing,,,that's all it was,,,I'm not your employee,,,i'm your partner,,,you can't fire me,,,there is no Public Enemy without Flavor Flav,,,so let's get it right Chuck," he tweeted.
This comes a day after Chuck D announced that Flav would no longer be part of Public Enemy. "Public Enemy and Public Enemy Radio will be moving forward without Flavor Flav," the group said in a statement to XXL. "We thank him for his years of service and wish him well."
Before that, Flav reportedly sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Bernie Sanders campaign and denounced the event altogether. Chuck D has not yet responded to Flav's latest tweets.
Flavor Flav also shared his tweets on his Instagram account below.
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