How Some Minnesota Towns Got Their Names, Including Two in St. Louis County
Minnesota has some really interesting sounding names, so did you ever wonder where some of these names originated from including Duluth?
The state of Minnesota was established way back in 1858, but the first human remains found date back to 9,000 years ago. With the rich heritage of many different ethnicities it has lended a hand to some unusual sounding names of towns including 2 in St. Louis County.
- Photo courtesy of Nick Cooper/TSM
Photo courtesy of Nick Cooper/TSM 1Duluth
Duluth was named after Daniel Greysolon, Sieur du Lhut who was the first known European to visit this area.
- Photo courtesy of Google Maps
Photo courtesy of Google Maps 2Ely
Samuel B. Ely was known for promoting Iron Ore from that area so they decided to name the town after him. Funny enough Ely was from Michigan and had never even set foot in the town named after him.
- Photo courtesy of Google Maps
Photo courtesy of Google Maps 3Sleepy Eye
My sister had a roommate in College that was from here and I had the hardest time believing that was really the name of the town, but it is true. The town is named after Ishtakaba, a Native American chief also known as Chief Sleepy Eye.
- Photo courtesy of Google Maps
Photo courtesy of Google Maps 4Clontarf
This tiny town in Western Minnesota is actually named after a city in Ireland. Not much to this place mostly farms at a whopping population of just over 100 people.
- Photo courtesy of Google Maps
Photo courtesy of Google Maps 5Climax
This tiny town of 300 people get's it's name from a chewing tobacco company.
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