I can Barely Contain Myself with Excitement Over the Latest Will & Grace Teaser [VIDEO]
To say I am a fan of the show Will & Grace is an understatement. I have seen every episode at least 3x and I even have the Cher doll that Jack had on one of the episodes. So, the return of this classic show is Ah-Mazing.
I had always hoped that Jack and Karen would have gotten a spin off episode, but in hindsight I guess the chemistry of all 4 of them is what made the show so magical. I remember obsessing about Jacks shoes, his white converse Jack Purcells and I was ecstatic when I found a pair. Of course I could never be as fabulous as Jack McFarland, but I felt as fabulous as I could be.
It is hard to believe that the show ended ten years ago, so much has changed in the world, it will be really interesting to see how they tackle the world in 2017. The video below is so on point and of course it turns into a musical, so sit back and enjoy and let the countdown begin.