Minnesota is gearing up for another fire season and this week is Wildfire Awareness Week to help with public awareness.

According to the DNR, in 2018 they spent $23 million on preparedness, prevention and suppression in the state. 93% of those wildfires were a result of human behavior.

Here are some facts from the DNR you should know:

  • 4 of 10 wildfires are caused by debris fires burning out of control. Unattended debris often mistakenly believed to be extinguished, continues to be leading cause of wildfires.
  • Even though Arson fires accounted for just 18 percent of the wildfires that burned in 2018, more than half (55 percent) of all acres burned resulted from these fires.
  • Since 2013, fires started by vehicles have burned more acres (36 percent of total) than fires started by other equipment. When parking off-highway, avoid dry, fine vegetation, such as grass, as hot exhaust can readily ignite it.
  • The DNR and rail operators have a long partnership of working together to reduce railroad caused wildfires. These fires often start in remote areas, delay ing detection and response.

The DNR and local agencies protect 45.5 million acres of land in Minnesota, so do your part to help them and help prevent wildfires.

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