K-9 Statue Stolen From Veterans Grave in Buffalo Minnesota
According to FOX9-KMSP someone had the audacity to steal a K-9 statue from the gravesite of an Air Force veterans final resting place in Buffalo Minnesota. Back in 2009 a former K-9 officer in the U.S. Air Force Rory Gavic was buried with a statue of his beloved dog placed near the headstone, but his family noticed the statue was missing on Sunday.
Gavic and his beloved dog Allan served three tours together in Iraq and Pakistan. They were a team and shared a special bond as they risked their lives to save others. Gavic’s cousin Dave Larsen said “This is horrible, it’s sad. I mean, it hurts my family and we just want it back. Finding IEDs, finding explosives - things that would have killed people. And this dog and my cousin, they found it and they stopped it,”
So far investigators do not have any leads as to who could have stolen the 70 pound statue, if you have any information about this senseless crime you are asked to call the Wright County Sheriffs Office. The family has made it clear that they do not care about any type of revenge they just want the statue back.
The community has started a Go Fund Me Page to replace the statue.